#077 New Year Resolution

I really wonder…
why didn’t she think of that sooner….
Thank you for reading
Carry & Rufus
why didn’t she think of that sooner….
Carry & Rufus
or do you think your heat still needs some fine-tuning?
Carry & Rufus
I am very sorry that it took so long, even though I knew I would continue, I didn’t think it would be 3 years. *sweats* oh boy Time really runs through your fingers.
End of 2020
It all started with pain in my wrist and I decided to be sensible and take a break.
My hand got better, but then I started thinking if I wanted to continue Drakenbun like this or do things a bit different. Turning into an overthinking spiral, nothing came out of it and I felt overwhelmed.
Then things at my job started to get more mentally draining and I didn’t have the capacity.
I finally quit and started my own business as a freelancer. There was a lot of preparations to do, learning things, networking and getting a few bigger clients. yay 😀
was officially my first year as a full time freelancer. It took some time to get used to this and balancing my time.
Even though there were still no new comics, Rufus is more alive than ever. I finally finished the first compilation of the Drakenbun Comic Book in April 2023. And in December 2023 I released the first Rufus Plushie.
Here we are and I want 2024 to be the return of the comic. I decided to keep the format, but plan more ahead to have some shorter story lines going. I am also looking forward to see how my style has developed 😀
And a special thank you to the people that have still been commenting. I haven’t been on this platform in a long time, it was such a nice suprise to see that my art matters to you 💜
Carry & Rufus
It has been 3 years – oh boy! – but here we are, finally back to the comic. Our buns have awoken from hibernation and are ready for new adventures!
I may not have been drawn the comic in the last 3 years, but I still worked on my skills and made some changes. Black lineart, new speech bubbles and I will also go aways from the background colours I had used before. To make the comic a bit friendlier to the eyes 😂
An explanation why it has been so long, will be included in the bonus episode 🙂
Carry & Rufus
…and I thought for a change he could have tried to decorate cookies with fire xD
Carry & Rufus
I am still amazed that the baubles actually turned out round…
like ROUND round! Bobby on the other side could work on her hand writing.. *sigh*
Carry & Rufus