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#034 Rufus 1st Birthday

can you acutally imagine???…

that is has already been a year on this crazy ride? I mean for me it kind of feels like forever, but I also can’t quite believe that Drakenbun exists for a year now and I am still excited about it!

Hopefully to many more years with this adorable crazy bastard!

PS: Date of birth is the 4th of february 😉

Thank you for reading

Carry & Rufus

#033 You Shall not Pass

and here we wonder where the other delivery guys went too…

…may they rest in peace.

This comic was a monthly request of one of my patrons. They can suggest different things they wanna see. We played the Emoji game, or just a simple illustration, but most of the time it is actually connected to Rufus 🙂 And sometimes those even fit for an episode of the comic 😀

If you want to know more, you can head over to my Patreon and see if you like to join the gang!

Thank you for reading

Carry & Rufus