#036 Siblings… Part 2

We already know that Rufus can be a pain in the ass sometimes…
but I think Bobby knows how to deal with him… xD
Thank you for reading
Carry & Rufus
but I think Bobby knows how to deal with him… xD
Carry & Rufus
I envy Emma. Her birthday party went down so peacefully. When in real life those little brats are harder to take care of than a bag of fleas…
However, the cake was (still) delicious and I am (still) glad I have those two in my life <3
Carry & Rufus
that is has already been a year on this crazy ride? I mean for me it kind of feels like forever, but I also can’t quite believe that Drakenbun exists for a year now and I am still excited about it!
Hopefully to many more years with this adorable crazy bastard!
PS: Date of birth is the 4th of february 😉
Carry & Rufus
…may they rest in peace.
This comic was a monthly request of one of my patrons. They can suggest different things they wanna see. We played the Emoji game, or just a simple illustration, but most of the time it is actually connected to Rufus 🙂 And sometimes those even fit for an episode of the comic 😀
If you want to know more, you can head over to my Patreon and see if you like to join the gang!
Carry & Rufus
The relationship between siblings is a very unique one. One moment they play cheerfully with each other, next moment they fight a war that puts armageddon to shame, only to be one heart and soul seconds later again.
A truly rare bond.
Carry & Rufus
literal terrifying hellspawn at night. I am sure every cat owner will painfully agree, that cats (and buns) become possessed during the night, only to be their adorable fluffy selfs back in the morning.
Carry & Rufus